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7 Tips to Keep Your Vision Healthy and Clear

Creating healthy living habits is a great way to preserve your vision throughout your lifetime. These can help keep your eyes healthy and your vision...

What Is the Long-Term Impact of Virtual Learning on Children’s Eyes?

For many children, learning via a digital device has become routine, and their eyes are paying the price. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize digital...

OptiLight IPL for Dry Eye Relief

Summary: If you're seeking relief from dry eye discomfort, OptiLight IPL could be your answer. Learn how this innovative treatment works and what to expect...

Your Eyes As A Window Into Your Whole-Body Health

Did you know that your eyes are often the first line of defense when it comes to detecting and treating many common systemic diseases and...

Presbyopia and Multifocal Contact Lenses

Blurry vision over age 40? Skip the reading glasses. Find out why multifocal contact lenses are ideal for presbyopia.

What Is an Oct Scan and Why Is It Important for My Eye Health?

This special test that eye doctors use to take pictures of the inside of your eyes is usually done in the doctor's office; it's painless...